Naturopath Victoria | Juniper Family Health | Victoria BC

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10 Reasons to See a Naturopath

What Exactly is a Naturopath?

A Naturopath is a doctor (ND) who blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine to help their patients reach their health goals. Naturopaths work closely with their patients to optimize the functionality of organ systems and treat the underlying cause of disease. Read more to discover 10 reasons why you should see a Naturopath.

1. Time

When you see a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) for an appointment, you get the undivided attention from the doctor for the full time slotted just for you. Your doctor will spend the time asking you questions and listening to your answers. This is the time that you can also take to ask any question and tell them what concerns you may have about your health and wellness.

2. More Options

Once your diagnosis has been determined, your Naturopath will educate you on all the treatment options available and help facilitate which option is best to help you. There are many treatment options available that can help in recovery. Different treatments like dietary advice, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, acupuncture and bio-identical hormone replacement are all aimed towards optimizing your health from a holistic approach.

3.  Accurate Diagnosis

At a conventional medical doctor’s appointment, patients often leave feeling rushed through their visit and do not have a full understanding of what’s going on with their health. Seeing a Naturopathic Doctor allows for more in-depth care, where there is more time for you to ask questions and get all your needs met. Your Naturopathic Doctor will go over your diagnosis with you in depth and allow time to discuss with you your treatment options.


4. Service

At Juniper Family Health we don’t want your experience to feel like any other medical appointment. We want you to feel comfortable as soon as you step foot into our office. Visiting a Naturopath, you will receive a more personalized service. Our top priority is your health.

5. Root Cause

When visiting a Naturopath, it’s important to determine the root cause of your health concerns. Without knowing the source, it’s more likely you’ll only mask the symptoms and your ailments may  persist. A Naturopath’s priority is to work closely with their patients to find a sustainable solution to the issue at hand.

6. Holistic Approach

A Naturopathic Doctor takes a well rounded approach to your health. This is done by taking a look at you as a whole person and not just a symptom, like a bad back. Our body is an intricate network that attempts to work together flawlessly. When a single aspect of the body’s network is out of balance, it tends to affect the entire system. By taking the whole person approach, Naturopath’s are able to see where there is an imbalance and where treatment can help you get back to optimal health.

7. Hope

People often seek out a Naturopathic Doctor when they’ve tried every other possible avenue without success. Naturopaths are trained in a variety of healthcare modalities, which gives you many options moving forward. In chronic disease, treatments might take some time to see a shift in how you are feeling, but that’s because treatments are targeting the root cause of your health concerns, and healing in this way can take some time. If you can be patient, then feel assured that you are in the right hands when seeing a Naturopath.

8. Training

After an undergraduate degree, Naturopaths undertake four years of training at a Naturopathic medical school. The first two years are comparable to conventional medical school in curriculum and the hours applied. They learn anatomy, pathology, labs, physical exams and medical imaging. There are two sets of provincial licensing board exams that graduates must pass, and they are required to maintain ongoing continued education. Naturopaths work alongside medical doctors as health care is best provided by a team.

9. Hormone Help

Naturopathic Medicine holds the key to herbal and nutritional remedies that can help with hormone balancing. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include fatigue, weight gain, depression, cold hands and feet, dry skin, dry hair, hair loss, constipation, muscle aches and pains, mood swings, hot flashes, irregular periods and much more. If you are looking for alternatives to "the pill" for regulating your period, or would like natural alternatives to manage infertility, menopause or thyroid concerns, Naturopathy is worth a try. 

10. Relationship Building

When visiting a Naturopath, you get the opportunity to sit down and take time to let them know how you’re feeling, what you are going through, and what’s happening with your body. During the appointment, it's time to tell them about your concerns, what your past experiences have been and what exactly you may be looking for. As a patient you won’t be rushed out of the office for the next waiting appointment in minutes. At Juniper, you’ll leave feeling confident knowing there’s a plan in place to get you feeling your best once again!


To book an appointment at Juniper Family Health please contact the clinic at 778-265-8340 or, or click here to book online.