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Health Benefits of Acupuncture


Has trying Acupuncture crossed your mind, but the thought of having needles put into your skin scared you away? Contrary to what it might seem, Acupuncture has many health benefits and isn't at all as scary as one might think.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a health technique where trained professionals stimulate specific points on the body by inserting tiny needles into the skin. Acupuncture stems from traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for over 3,500 years for people's health. It has been used to help a wide variety of treatments, from balancing energy to helping with different ailments and overall maintaining a healthy life. It became popular in the US during the 70's as hospitals started using the technique to aide in post-surgical pain.

How Does it Work?

On the first visit, the practitioner will examine the patient and ask questions about their health history. From there they will make an assessment on where the accurate areas the needles need to be placed. When the needles are inserted, there may be slight stinging sensation, but without pain. Many patients say they don't feel anything at all!

The practitioner inserts needles into the skin, but never too deep. Each insertion varies from practitioner and according to the treatment needed. They may gently maneuver the needles, apply heat or electro stimulation. Needles are left in place from  20-50 minutes, while the patient relaxes and takes in the experience. The needles then removed, and the practitioner will make an assessment before it is time to leave, giving suggestions for a follow up treatments and any at home care that is needed. 

Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points are specific locations on the body where treatment is focused. The treatment is meant to 'balance the flow of energy or life force in the body." When the bodies energy or 'chi' is out of balance then it causes illness, pain, insomnia and low energy.

There is known to be 14 major energy-channels or meridians on the body, with hundreds of points located along each meridian.. Acupuncture needles are inserted into these points and the 'chi' can be rebalanced. Some of the Acupuncture Meridians are: Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder, Kidney and Liver.

How Acupuncture Can Help?

Acupuncture can be seriously beneficial, especially if patients have tried other treatment options and nothing has worked. Using Acupuncture along with other treatments can greatly increase the chances of helping and even fixing the health problem. Along with it being safe (if performed by a licensed practitioner), there are very few side effects and it can help immensely with pain management when other medications can't be taken.

There are so many benefits to trying acupuncture, here are just a few:

Muscle Spasms and Pain
Fertility Concerns
Digestive Health Concerns
Emotional Disorders
Osteo & Rheumatoid Arthritis

To Book an appointment at Juniper Family Health please contact the clinic at 778-265-8340 or or click here to book online.