Acupuncture For Seasonal Allergies
By Hayley Stobbs R.Ac.
Chinese Medicine & Allergies
According to Chinese medicine, allergy symptoms such as sinus congestion, fatigue, hay fever, runny nose, and scratchy throat, arise due to imbalances within organ and meridian systems. Repeated exposure to allergy triggers perpetuate imbalance and may stem from a variety of sources such as environmental pollen and toxins, stress, constitutional deficiencies, and diet.
It's all about the Wei Qi....
Our bodies must have an adequate amount of Wei Qi (defensive qi) circulating within our meridians in order to stay healthy. Wei Qi protects and defends the body from allergens; it is a type of energy that is a measure of immune health. If Wei Qi is deficient the body becomes hyperactive to foreign invaders such as dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, bacteria, and viruses. This deficiency and dys-regulation leads to increased susceptibility to the development and severity of allergies and frequency of colds.
How Acupuncture Relieves Allergy Symptoms
Acupuncture strengthens organ and meridian systems that are deficient or blocked with goals of regulating and producing Wei Qi. Once there is adequate quality and free flow of this energy throughout the body, allergy signs and symptoms reduce in frequency and severity. The reversal of allergies may occur over time when acupuncture treatments are combined with diet and lifestyle strategies, which accelerate healing and Wei Qi production.
To formulate an individual’s allergy treatment plan a thorough assessment is required that examines past health history, current state of health, triggers, and goals. From here an individualized treatment plan is developed that will address main concerns. Immune regulation is not the only benefit of regular treatments. As a side effect patients notice improved sleep quality, digestion, and stress reduction as well.
To book an appointment with an Acupuncturist at Juniper Family Health please contact the clinic at 778-265-8340 or or click here to book online.