Webinar - Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle w/ Dr. Melissa Bedford ND

Dr. Melissa Bedford, ND will be hosting a free webinar on Thursday May 26th from 10-11am, where she will be sharing her wealth of knowledge about the menstrual cycle.

Have you heard the terms "follicular phase", "luteal phase", and "ovulation" but never really known what they mean?

Have you always been curious about what estrogen and progesterone are doing throughout the menstrual cycle? Have you wondered how these hormones benefit your health?

Who is this webinar for?

This free webinar is for anyone with a menstrual cycle! Whether you are just starting to experience menstrual cycles, or you are approaching menopause, the knowledge you gain in this webinar is sure to help you understand (and perhaps even be in awe of) the intricate process your body moves through each month.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The phases of the menstrual cycle

  • What is happening hormonally during each phase

  • How you might expect to feel during each phase

  • What roles estrogen and progesterone play in our overall wellbeing

  • The benefits of ovulation (beyond fertility)

One lucky attendee will win a Period Care Bundle from Joni!

To register for the webinar, please sign up here. If you are excited to learn more about your menstrual cycle but are unable to join us on May 26th, please still sign up and a link to the recording will be sent out the following week.